Nexus Magazine
Nexus is a weekly published student magazine of the University of Waikato. It is a member of the Aotearoa Student Press Association and part of the Waikato Students’ Union. Its core principle is that students have a platform to talk to students. Today it is evolving to include work-integrated learning experiences for students, video content creation, online platforms, and podcasts.
The major magazine categories are Features, News, Columns, Entertainment and Student Experience. As a leader for magazine production, my job is to ensure Nexus magazine can go out for print on time weekly throughout the year, which is 24 issues per year. As a designer, I'm not only design the layout and pages, but also need to collaborate with editors and illustrators on how articles should be arranged on the page in order to make the content more appealing and fun to read. 
During my time as a leading designer at Nexus, Nexus won a few awards from Aotearoa Student Press Association in 2021 and 2022:
2021 Best Publication - Third Place
2021 Best Design - Third Place
2022 Best online Engagement - Second Place
2022 Best Design - Third Place
I also won Best Illustrator - Third Place in 2020 :)
Click the Link on Issue to see more of my work from 2020-2022.

Chasing Time English Teacher and Learner Materials
There are four pieces of learner materials and four teachers' materials for people who purchased Chasing Time English ESOL courses worldwide.

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